The Master Cleanse

Master Cleanse Health Benefits

You’d be surprised at how good a detox program can be for your body. And the Master Cleanse definitely has a number of amazing, positive side effects: your body feels rejuvenated and clean, your mental state is clear, you’ve detoxified your system and you have tons of energy. What’s more is that it helps to fight illness and boost immunity.

With the Master Cleanse, your body enters a state of detoxification that helps flush harmful wastes and toxins that have built up over a long period of time. These toxins and wastes are often the culprit of illnesses, especially those having to do with the digestive tract. During The Cleanse, these unhealthy agents leave your body through your own natural processes. By not eating solid foods, your body has the ability to clean itself instead of completing digestion.

Some of the benefits of the Master Cleanse include:
• Helps eliminate toxins, waste and hardened material in the digestive tract as well as joints, muscles and other parts of the body
• Helps cleanse the kidneys
• Helps purify the glands and cells in your body  
• Helps to build a healthy blood stream
• Can relieve pressure and irritation in the nerves, arteries and blood vessels
• Contains lots of important vitamins and minerals including potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, copper, Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, C and more

This detox is also good for those who feel sluggish, have bloating and stomach cramps, gallstones, indigestion, kidney problems, joint pain, excess fat, infections, gout, arthritis, ulcers, and those who just feel sick all the time without explanation. I fall into several of those categories, and I can say from experience, I have eliminated 95% of my digestive issues (and have lost significant amounts of weight) just from doing this at least 4 times a year! I was diagnosed with IBS, and since I first started doing the Master Cleanse, none of the unpleasant symptoms from that have ever returned (after suffering with it for 10 years). If you want to start a routine of doing this throughout the year, you should allow 45-60 day period between your detox regimens. Don’t do this if you are pregnant or nursing, and of course it’s always best to ask your doctor about a new program before you start so that any health issues you have can be taken into consideration, especially if you are on daily medications.

The Dangers of the Master Cleanse

Some people have expressed concern about me doing this program since you don’t eat solid food. I can understand, but I did my homework before ever attempting the Master Cleanse. I found a that numerous doctors have been asked about potential harmfulness of the detox, and I did not see one that was concerned with someone participating, even for extended periods of time (unless going past the recommended 45-60 days).
So quoting from James Balch M.D. and Phyllis Balch CNC on the dangers of the Master Cleanse: “Fasting is an effective and safe method of detoxifying the body… A technique that wise men has used for centuries to heal the sick. Fast regularly and help the body heal itself and stay well. Give all of your organs a rest. Fasting can help reverse the aging process, and if we use it correctly we will live longer, happier lives. Each time you complete a fast, you will feel better. Your body will have a chance to heal and rebuild its immune system by regularly fasting [a major benefit]. You can fight off illness and the degenerative diseases so common in this chemically polluted environment we live in. When you feel a cold or illness coming on or are just depressed– fast!” That is why you lose your appetite– your body is telling you to stop eating.”