My "Tops"

5 Things I love about The Master Cleanse
1.    The wonderful detox it gives your entire body – the first time you do it, you shed pounds of leftover wastes and toxins that have been poisoning your body. You never knew how bad you actually felt until you see how great you feel afterwards!

2.    After Day 3, I start feeling very “aware” of everything around me. I do not feel groggy and hazy during the day. I have a clear head and wake up feeling fresh and ready for the day. I don’t have to hit “snooze” at all!

3.    I love how quickly this program starts to work. Within a couple of days I not only feel better but I start to LOOK better. My skin is clearer and my clothes are a little looser. I don’t have to wait weeks to see any kind of progress – the results are almost immediate.

4.    Overall, it’s cheap. Yes the initial purchase of all the ingredients and supplements needed tend to be around $50-$75, but the ingredients will last you at least a 4 or 5 days, and the supplements last much longer. So for less than $100, you can “eat” for 10 days. I know that is much less than what I would normally spend on food in two weeks.

5.    Break bad habits - This detox can really change your perception of your body and what you put into it. It doesn’t seem like you are taking in any kind of nutrition from The Cleanse…its ingredients are too simple! But the fact is you learn that your body can get exactly what it needs from much less than what you are currently put into it. The Cleanse teaches you what your body needs, and in the end those are the foods you start to crave. I wanted fruits and vegetables, meats that were grilled or baked with little oils and fats, and whole wheat. I didn’t think a lot about pizza and cheeseburgers after the 3rd day. In fact, the idea of those things actually made me feel sick.

40 Reasons I Hate Being Fat

1.    I don’t feel pretty any more
I have always been quite proud of my facial features and even when I was a tad overweight, I felt like I could get by because I still felt pretty. But now that my face is showing the signs of the amount of weight I have gained, I just don’t like looking like in the mirror. I have pudgy cheeks and of course, #2 on my list…
2.    A double chin
3.    Sitting at home instead of going out because I have nothing to wear
I have always enjoyed my Friday and Saturday evenings – dressing up, going to clubs and fancy restaurants. Now, I have a pair of jeans (and NOT trendy ones) and a pair of black pants. I have 2 t-shirts for the neighborhood dive bar that is dimly lit, and NOTHING to pair with the black pants that could even come close as getting in the door of a posh nightclub. So now I spend most weekends at home watching movies and stuffing my face with pizza and vodka, which of course just adds to the problem…
4.    Boys don’t look at me/talk to me anymore
I have a boyfriend and I do spend a lot of my time with him, but when I am convinced by one of my friends to get off the couch and go out for drinks I never get approached by guys. I used to get attention, and would talk to at least 3-4 men every time I would go out. That was over 3 years ago. I can tell that guys have stopped looking at me and being interested in me, and that is yet another blow to the self-esteem.
5.    Clothes shopping
Let’s face it, few cute things fit me now and I hate being reminded that stores don’t carry the size I need. And the thought of going into a plus size store is something I just cannot handle.
6.    I hate that I feel my weight holds me back from being happy
I am always obsessing about my body and so I am never really happy. And for years I feel like I have put my “real” life and what I want to do with myself on hold, waiting until I feel comfortable to try and fulfill my dreams. This has gone on for years and I’m sick of it.
7.    Wearing the same clothes to work over and over and over…
I have only 3 pairs of pants and 5 shirts that fit now, and I have to carefully plan my wardrobe for a week so as not to end up wearing a pair of pants two days in a row.
8.    Underwear
Well I can forget about lingerie. So now it’s either something slightly sexy (which will for sure roll down or ride up) or something comfortable – aka granny panties. I usually go with the former just because I can’t bring myself to wear the latter. And don’t get me started on bras. They never fit right anywhere, even the “right” size. The ones that fit ok look like, well, grandma. Sigh.
9.    Boots, skirts and shorts
I LOVE boots, but right now they DO NOT fit around my calves, unless I find a really cheap pair with stretchy plastic at the top. But even then, I hate wearing skirts and shorts, as you can see the rest of my out-of-shape legs.
10.  Airplane seats
I definitely fit into them, but barely. No room to adjust and there is ALWAYS some part of my body that falls asleep.
11.  The gym & gym clothes
I hate wearing baggy clothes to the gym since everyone else there looks amazing in their stretch pants and sports bras. But I definitely can’t wear anything form fitting – it makes me even MORE aware of my body. The gym is so intimidating…people look at you with judging glances, like you don’t fit in, even though this is where you go to get fit!!
12.  Stairs & Exercise
It just hurts – my knees, my ankles, my chest. I hate that I am completely out of breath with the smallest amount of physical exertion.
13.  Having to suck it in
Even my fat clothes are fitting tight right now, so I have to hold in my gut when I get dressed, and pretty much until I get home and change into my sweat pants.
14.  The Scale
The numbers just get higher each time I step on it. I avoid it for weeks and it’s always a shock.
15.  Going to the beach and – of course – the swimsuit
I love the beach and the sun. But what’s the point…I don’t want anyone to see my half naked body.  It’s depressing sitting on the beach in jeans and a t-shirt.
16.  Feeling uncomfortable in my own skin
I just don’t feel like myself anymore – at the same time I can feel more of myself when I move around.
17.  360 mirrors
I don’t like looking at myself in the mirror face on or to the side. Why the hell do I want to see the back?!
18.  The fact that my weight permeates everything about my life
I think I can go at least 10 minutes at a time without thinking or obsessing about my body. I hate that my size creeps into everything about me – my social life, my work, the music career I came to LA for, friends. It just doesn’t seem to end.
19.  Halloween costumes
Unless I want to wear a full length witch dress made for “plus” sizes, I can’t fit into any of the costumes at Halloween Express anymore. The ones they do have keep showing more and more of your body, which I DO NOT want to do. It’s sad because Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday (I mean you get to dress up and be someone completely different for an evening – who doesn’t love that!)
20.  Affection
I don’t want to see myself in my underwear, so I definitely don’t feel comfortable letting anyone else see it either.
21.  Tank tops and turkey wings
Three years ago, most of my summer wardrobe was made up of really cute tank shirts. Now, if I wear one, I HAVE to wear a little 1/2 sweater or something over it because of my arms. I had always had very nice arms (I used to be somewhat cut and lifted weights). Now I have turkey wings, so NO ONE is going to see my arms again until those are gone!
22.  Being the token fat friend
My friends are always begin approached when we go out, and I feel like the fat friend that someone gets stuck talking to. I can tell because they never seem like they want to be there and are always looking around – no eye contact. It’s not a good feeling.

23.  Shopping with friends when I can’t fit into the clothes in the store
I avoid clothes shopping with anyone, including my boyfriend. I always do this alone because I know it can be somewhat traumatic finding out that you have graduated to the next size up – again. There have been a few occasions where I meet a new friend and we “bond” over shopping. But what she doesn’t realize is she is the one trying on the clothes, I am the one trying on the hats and jewelry. Shopping with someone is something I do once to get to know a new friend, but I rarely repeat. It’s too bad because I used to love to shop.
24.  Breadback
Now I heard this term not too long ago on an episode of 30 Rock. It’s a slightly nicer term for back rolls. I remember the first time that I felt my skin touching on my back – horrifying. I have never liked the little creases you get from your bra strap, but this was something completely different – my bra had nothing to do with it. I cried that day.
25.  Being a fat bridesmaid
There are numerous reasons that I don’t really care to be a bridesmaid. The main reason is obvious – the dreaded bridesmaids dress. You have to fit into and wear whatever the bride (or the skinny bridesmaids) like, and usually it’s something somewhat form fitting. I did have to wear something that was to be form fitting once, but I went ahead and bought it 3 sizes larger than what it should have so that my mom could take it apart and make it flattering for me. She did a great job, but at that point it didn’t look like the other dresses. Another reason I hate being a bridesmaid – in a recent one I accidently stood in front of one of the stationary cameras the whole time, so they got a great recording of my ass instead of their wedding. Tragic for the bride & groom, and for me...
26.  Feeling old when I’m not
I’m not old at all – in fact my face is very young and I still get carded when my other friends do not. But I FEEL like I’m twice my age. And the sad fact is, my “body” age is probably much older than my numerical age. My weight makes me feel sluggish and old.
27.  No more pedicures
I don’t mind manicures, but I am too uncomfortable with myself at this point to let anyone see my gigantic calves or touch my feet for that matter.
28.  My food addiction
I eat when I feel bad, I eat when I feel good, I eat to socialize, I eat when someone puts out food and rings a bell…I eat when I’m not hungry, and therefore have gained unnecessary pounds in the process. Eating is a coping mechanism for me, and my go-to’s are pizza and ice cream. I could eat them everyday at every meal. I am also a Starbucks fiend. I used to hate coffee, but SBs is like crack and once I had my first White Chocolate Mocha, I was hooked.
29.  Cupcake stores
It used to be that cupcakes were an unassuming snack found mostly in the bakery section of the grocery store (which I can honestly say I have no problem avoiding). And bakery shops had cakes, so I rarely had a need to go in them other than to get something for a party or special occasion. Now, with the popularity of Sprinkles (which was actually across the street from me when I worked in Beverly Hills), hundreds of little cupcake stores have burst onto the scene. And now there is one on my street corner. I am lured in by the cutesy/girly décor and pastel colors and the scent of chocolate that wafts through the air over my apartment balcony.
30.  The doctor lecture – even when I go in for a sinus infection
I hate going to the doctor now for any reason. Whenever I see a physician or a “ladies” doctor, I always get some kind of speech about my weight – like I am unaware that I have a problem. Even my dentist brought it up once in relation to my teeth! About the only one that is safe is the eye doctor, but who knows, maybe I am going blind because I am tipping the scale at 200lbs…
31.  The media for making us think that anything above a size 7 is fat
This one is even worse in Hollywood. Even our nightly news is superficial and covers tabloid-type topics (mixed in the weather, drunken driving accidents and gang activity). I don’t know about you, but I am really tired of seeing only skinny bitches on the red carpet. I’m tired of the media making us feel like if we aren’t a size 2, then we are overweight. I love that some women at larger sizes have made a wonderful career for themselves in the entertainment industry, but that’s all anyone says about them – comments on their size instead of their talent. What’s wrong with us??
32.  Dressing rooms that only have a half door
I don’t know about you, but I hate dressing rooms that are open from the knees down. Again, I really hate the way my calves look right now (plus they haven’t seen the sun in three years so they are reeaally white). Yet another reason that I hate shopping for clothes.
33.  Tanning beds
I used to love tanning beds, but now I don’t really fit into the regular ones. I have to scrunch my arms close to my side to get them in, and that leaves white streaks on my side. And because I have “extras” in a few areas, there are white lines all over my body. I had to stop going.
34.  Being told that I dress nice “for my body type”
Why can’t you just say “I like the way you dress.”!!!!! It’s insulting when someone has to qualify the compliment.
35.  Having my picture taken
Don’t need to be reminded how bad I look, and I really don’t want to capture this moment in time while I look like this. Plus, is it me or do you always look bigger in pictures than you do in the mirror?
36.  Skinny girls that complain
If you are size 9 or smaller, please do not complain to me about how fat you are, and pinch some little piece of skin to prove to me you are “overweight”. Then what does that say about me?
37.  Tucking in my shirt
I refuse to wear anything right now that has to be tucked in – makes me look even thicker!
38.  Looking at pictures of myself from 15 years ago
15 years ago I thought I was really fat because I was 130lbs. Looking back now at these old pictures I think to myself what an idiot I was for thinking that since I had absolutely no frame of reference back then. What has happened to me? I would give my right arm to look like that again.
39.  Workout equipment/exercise video ads
It’s so confusing which one, if any to buy. Too many choices and not enough money. Plus I seriously think that it’s a conspiracy – I feel pretty sure that everyone who “lost weight” from using this product is full of shit. I suspect that they were already thin to begin with.
40.  Wondering if I will ever overcome obesity
I have been on a weight yoyo my entire life. I will go thru 6 months to a year doing well, feeling good about myself, and then I stop trying. Within 3-4 months, I’ve packed on the pounds yet again. I will gain and lose 20lbs at the drop of a hat. But I keep yoyo-ing at higher and higher numbers, which leads me to wonder if I will ever be really thin? Even when I was my smallest (130lbs) I still wasn’t bikini ready. I want to believe that I have the power in me to go all the way – others who were way heavier than me have done just that. Now I am super motivated to let this be the end of it. I’m am tired of letting this one thing about myself control every other aspect of my life. Overeating on my favorite foods (and alcohol) isn’t worth it anymore.