Day 1 - Here we go!

Friday 1/14

It’s official. I started The Master Cleanse today. Day 1. A little anti-climactic, but I am already feeling more positive about myself this morning – outlook and attitude = positive. J
In case you haven’t read my mini-novel detailing who I am, what I am doing, and why I am doing this, I will give you a brief summary. My name is Heather, and I came to Hollywood California 5 years ago for “the dream” – I want to be a singer/songwriter. Over the past 5 years, I have been beat up, chewed up and spit up by this town, but have landed in an ok, stable marketing job clinging to life and my sanity in this hellacious economy. My dream has been put aside to take care of basic needs. I’m sure I'm like most American’s right now – trying to cover bills and put food on the table without much left over for anything else. I eat cheap, and where I can, for free. I sit at a desk for 9-10 hours a day snacking on office candy and bagels (and any other homemade goods that thoughtful coworkers bring in – mmmmm sausage dip….), and stare at a computer screen. I drive at least 45 minutes each way to work, and by the time I get home at 7:30pm I’m exhausted. So I plop down in front of the TV and zone out until about 10:30 before I go bed. Wake up. Repeat.
This is a gigantic hamster wheel of my own making in some ways I suppose. I COULD eat better to a degree, I COULD walk or exercise at some point (although it would have to be before 6AM since I do not feel safe walking around my Hollywood neighborhood at night, in the dark…). I COULD get out of the house (and not watch TV) without spending much/any money. But I am not MOTIVATED to do anything. Depression can in and of itself zap all your energy and desire to even get off the couch. So now my waistline (and everything else) has expanded to the point that all my clothes are tight – even my fat clothes – and quite frankly I don’t have the cash to spend on more clothes when I will probably just outgrow them in the next month or so. So this rollercoaster needs to stop and I need to get my fat ass off the ride.
I have done The Master Cleanse several times before and have had great success. It really can jumpstart you into a new routine of healthy living! I know because I have done just that and lost around 25lbs in all. But food is an addiction as well…and I fell off the wagon, more than once. Because I know that this system works for me, I’m committing myself to 40 days of my own personal detox and rehab. And yes I plan on conducting a “sober living” so to speak after this is over, to teach myself how to eat properly and take care of my body.
So, Day 1. It’s off to a good start, since I made sure that I had a pretty big meal last night around 7:30 (absolutely no alcohol) so that when I woke up this morning I wouldn’t be starving or hungover. Being really hungry first thing makes Day 1 diffcult. But I made it through “breakfast” (aka first dose of “the juice” as I like to call it) and now its noon and time for lunch. It’s at this time I’ll go and chug my second helping of the juice, then go window shopping at the mall to plan out what I want to wear after my 40 days is over. Getting through the day isn’t too hard as long as I ignore the constant free food that is available at work. It’s the drive home that will start to kill me. That’s when I start planning what I am going to have for dinner. My drive tonight will be a major battle, but I have to stick with it and not cave, promising myself that I will “start tomorrow, for real.” I’ve done that a few times and after I eat that first night, the food I ate was never worth it with all the effort I had put in all day. I just have to keep this in mind until my head hits the pillow around 11pm this evening.

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