It's been a rough few days...can I eat yet?

I started my latest Master Cleanse program last Thursday (1/13). I was so excited that I made it past Day 1 and into Day 2 (the hardest part for me - just to get started!) This past weekend I did everything I could think of to keep my mind off food - I walked my little chihuahua at least a mile both days, cleaned the entire apartment and tackled my very scary walk-in bedroom that was piled high from floor to ceiling. I even read throught about 500 job advertisements (without seeing anything even remotely interesting - sigh). I have told all my friends that the only way they can hang out with me for the next month and a half is if the activity has nothing to do with food or alcohol. So that basically eliminates socializing with my friends! But that's ok because when I started this Cleanse, I made it a time for me - to focus on the health of my body and the condition of my life. The 40 days of Heather.
It's amazing how letting yourself go and gaining weight is usually paired with the decline of other things going on in your life. The heavier I am, the more I realize how disorganized I've become in other aspects. My home and desk at the office tend to be in disarray. My bills pile up. I miss appointments and birthdays. I forget to pay bills and ruined my credit. I feel pretty confident that depression is the major culprit - I get into a really bad state of mind and it all goes to hell. But I can do better, so this weekend I took account of all the things that need "fixing". It's not so much a new year's resolution (because I never follow through with those), but just a list of everything I HAVE to get done in the next few months no matter what. I have dug myself into a big hole - financially and physically - and until I have climbed out, I can't start working on the bigger picture items.

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